Hospital Management System PI-HMS

Software for Clinics, Diagnostic Labs & Hospitals.

PI-HMS is a Hospital Management Software

Designed & Developed to fulfill the complete software needs of a Clinic, Diagnostic Lab, or a Hospital. PI-HMS can be configured to all the different kinds of medical service establishments. Modern Software Technologies are used to develop cost-effective software. Along with On-Premises Deployment, Public or Private Cloud Deployment is available.

Patient Centric

The software has been built grounds-up in a modular way to help the customer choose only relevant modules.

Modular and Role-Based

PI-HMS is a Moduler software & Role Based Software, feature & functionalites will work based on the User Role

Latest Technology

Built using modern technologies to provide rich features at a pocket-friendly price.


Daily Patients




Simultaneous Usage


Years In Service

Patient Management.

As PI-HMS follows patient centric philosophy, Patient module is the heart of the application with all other modules built around it.

  • New Patient Registration with 50+ customizable input options.
  • Patient List, Search, Modify, Print.
  • View & Print, Lab Reports, Bill Info, Patient Medical History, etc.
  • Add/Edit Insurance Info & Validation.

Along with the above listed key functionalities, if required, PI-HMS can be easily customized to suit existing process flow of the Hospital.

Out Patient Management.

Visit to the hospital for a consultation is considered as Out Patient (OP) flow. PI-HMS has features to handle the work flow related to an Out-Patient. Some of these features are listed as below.

  • OP Billing with different kind of payment options.
  • Different kind of Bill Search with Bill Modifications.
  • Role Base Access to the Finance related screens.
  • Shift-wise Session Summary & Accounts Department Verification.

PI-HMS supports multiple OP Billing counters with options to separate out Registration and Billing processes. Based on Registration, multiple configurable dependent workflows like [Pharmacy billing] could be triggered.

In-Patient Management.

Being admitted to Hospital for more than a day (24 hours) is considered as In-Patient flow. PI-HMS has 15+ sub modules to comprehensively handle the In-Patient Management.

  • IP Case Registration along with Bed/Ward Allocation.
  • Insurance Verification and Approval process.
  • Complete Financial Management of the IP Case.
  • Routine entry of Notes Related to Doctor Observations and Vital Signs.
  • Screens to record the In-Patient Procedures, Specialist Observations, ICU Data, etc.
  • Discharge Summary with predefined customizable templates.

In-Patient Management involves deep coordination with multiple departments within the hospital & it should have Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) defined. Pi-HMS could be customized to suit the current SOPs of the hospital, thereby helping in implementing the SOPs by all staff involved.

Diagnostic Lab Software - LIMS.

Laboratory Information Management System (LIMS) is one of the important module in PI-HMS.It helps to automate the process for diagnostic testing and generating the Lab Reports. PI-HMS could increase effective utilization of medical equipment’s and Lab Technicians’ time.

  • Single point of initiate diagnostic testing process from various departments.
  • Master Data for 1000+ Diagnostic Tests.
  • Efficient Reporting engine for standardizing the diagnostic reports.
  • Worksheet Generation, Result Entry & Validation, Test Statistics, etc.

PI-HMS LIMS Module covers most of all commonly conducted medical tests & relevant reporting format. Workflow for each department could be modified and configured according the Hospital needs.

Lab Equipment or Machine - Interfacing.

Having a direct data communication between the Medical equipment in the Lab and the LIMS Software will improve the overall accuracy of the diagnostic tests.

  • Uni Directional & Bi-Directional interface for all the standard Medical equipment.
  • Data Parsing & Data Mapping based on the Device’s communication protocol standards.
  • Seamless data flow from Investigation data Entry in LIMS software to Medical equipment to Report Generation.
  • Configurable error notification in case of failure of communication.

Most of the modern medical devices user ASTM or HL7 as their standard Interfacing protocol.PI-HMS implements these and few other standard interfacing protocols. Any modern medical equipment which publishes data according to its host interface protocol could be taken up for integration.

Staff Management or HRMS

Along with the Medical Data and workflow Management, PI-HMS has additional features to help the organization to manage the staff. Below are some of the Staff management features included in PI-HMS.

  • Staff On-boarding & exit process management.
  • Leave and Attendance Management.
  • Simple Payroll Management with Salary Configuration & Pay slip generation.
  • Employee Record or Document Management.

The Staff Management Features in PI-HMS are intuitive and simple to use.This HRMS is ideal for the Hospitals having less than 100 Employees & Single HR Person.

Accounts Management.

To help the accounts department of an organization, PI-HMS account module helps in collecting and reporting Revenue collected from various deportments of the organization. Following are few important features of this module.

  • ShiftWise collection, Daily collection & Auditing.
  • Consultation Doctor, Specialist Doctor Payment report for Weekly, Biweekly, Monthly.
  • Staff Salary Report Generation.
  • Revenue Collection and Bank Deposits Collection Audit & Reconciliation.

One should note that accounting features are developed to help the accounting department to document revenue collection entered through PI-HMS. Statutory compliance of the accounts is not in the scope of the PI-HMS Software.

Analytical Reports.

PI-HMS has robust features to generate various kind of Analytical Reports.This will help management and decision makers to understand the critical areas of the medical service. Below are some the main features of the Software.

  • 15 to 20 different kinds of reports on Revenue Generation or finance.
  • Reports on employee productivity and availability.
  • Reports of diagnostic tests and summary of diagnostic test demographics.
  • Analytical reports on IP Case treatments and its demographics.

Real time dash board is available based on the user roles. The dashboard shows the important metrics pertaining to different services provided in the organization.

Inventory Management System

To help the organization to track and maintain the Inventory of the stores PI-HMS has a simple inventory management system.

  • Facility to enter the Inventory purchase data & add the Inventory to the system.
  • Inventory consumption entry to track the usage.
  • Minimum stock level Alert for critical inventory item.
  • Adding and Managing the Inventory Master Data.

PI-HMS Inventory management system functionalities are simple & easy to understand. This module helps the store keepers to track the usage of critical inventory items.

Software Administration.

As PI-HMS is a centralized Cloud based web software most of the software administration work is automated. For Private cloud or on-premises installations there are few tools provided to troubleshoot the application Issues.

  • Daily backup and report copy of the backup data.
  • Cleaning up of event logfiles & other generated files.
  • Verification & Validation of Licensing for PI-HMS Software.
  • Automatic software updating and other troubleshooting tools provided on need basis.

Once the Software is implemented on private cloud or on local premises,PI-HMS team will provide the necessary training & required documents to manage the software by Local IT Team. If required remote management of the PI-HMS Software is provided.

Master Data Management.

Every hospital needs a set of pre-determined data which will outline the medical service delivery. PI-HMS provides an easy way to manage and configure the complex data of medical software.

  • Categorize and customize the different kinds of Billing and its data items.
  • Predefined diagnostic data to have standard form of reporting & enforcing consistency in the data.
  • Numerous medical report templates can be created to ease the data entry process.
  • Medical standardized data is already incorporated in to the System.

PI-HMS eases the effort required to maintain and manage the master Data. Master data is well designed to suit organization’s need and updated periodically to incorporate industry improvements.

Blood Bank Software System.

Blood bank Software System is developed as a separate and dedicated module, which could integrated with PI-HMS System. PI-HMS Could treat blood bank as a department of the Hospital or as separate entity outside of the organization.

  • Donor Registration and Management.
  • Questionnaire and Medical examination.
  • Blood Donation process management according to defined SOPs.
  • Blood Processing, Storage & Request to Issue management.

Managing a Blood bank has its own challenges, PI-HMS Software will help you manage the facility along with the preestablished guide lines.


Contact Us


#387, 3rd Floor, C. J. Venkatesh Das Road, BSK 2nd Stage, Bangalore - 560070, KARNATAKA, INDIA.


+91 80 42078847

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